Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I am just reinventing myself from the bottom up. Tonight I finally changed my AIM icon after two years.

Look out, world!


Anonymous said...

So I finally got AIM. Hit me up on there sometime. Haven't heard from ya in a while. Heck, you'd probably be surprised to know I still read this. My screenname is ForrestWilley.

Anonymous said...

So, since Forrest made a comment, I'll confess something. Because of the fact that he and I are two of the only ones who ever comment on your stuff, I kind of felt like I knew him. So I have said hi to him a couple times, and he has just looked at me like I'm retarded. I completely understand. I would probably do the same thing. I just had to get that off my chest.

Anonymous said...

Man, I apologize for seeming rude but I don't think I could pick you out of a crowd.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about it. Not a problem. Just figured I would let you know that the short jogging man who sometimes nods and says hi is me. You work with Charlotte, right?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, she was my old foreman but I switched divisions back in July. How you know Charlotte?

Anonymous said...

I went to college with her at Ball State. She was one of my really good friends up there.

Anonymous said...

Interesting. Small world eh?

Shelley said...

I have very much enjoyed this small conversation.

Anonymous said...

I was just thinking about how odd it was that we were conversing on Alex's blog without including Alex in the dialogue. So, Alex, what do you think about how small this old world of ours is? There. Now he can be included.